Friday, January 22, 2010

you be the judge and i'll be the case!

When somebody walks in a room what do you do? more than likely you look at them and decide what you think there like in person, right? yes, people don't look at people and think oh i bet she is an amazing artist or has an amazing voice they look at appearance and that's it. Its a wrap in today's world if people don't like the way you dress or look they don't like you. It's just the world these days it the message the media gives out. Its JUDGING!! People are constantly judging and most the time you don't even realize it. It's crazy, it causes lies, fights, prejudice, and escalates into bigger problems. so do me a favor and when you meet somebody actully meet them don't just assume you know them.


Dionne said...


I have accepted your challenge.

learning with you,
Ms. Dionne

Mrs. Barker said...

Heather, you are right with the fact we need to see people for who they are instead of concentrating on whether they look trendy enough or fit into the framework portrayed by the media as acceptable. It does take a lot of understanding that everybody is different and acceptance of that fact as well as looking inside yourself and seeing yourself for who you are.

~Kaitlyn~ said...

Hey Heather, It's Kaitlyn from SRMS and I think your blog is terrific! People shouldn't be judged by what they wear or what they look like. There are hundreds of amazing people in the world who are judged by their looks and not their personality. Keep up the great work! :)