Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Productive Citizens...

I think being a productive citizen means that you do things to help your country not do things to make it worse. If you see issues that you think you could help get people motivated about, then do it. You never know how much little things can make a difference. This morning we read an article that was talking about how a ten year old boy refused to say they pledge because it says “liberty and justice for all”. He doesn’t feel its right when who are gay don’t have the right to marry so he expressed his 1st amendment right. It got national attention and im sure made people think about this. It’s just an example of how little things can make a big impact. I think my game will be productive because it will inform people just how hard the decisions the government make are. It will inform them just how important it is to vote on issues, and I hope my game turns into everything I want it to be.