Thursday, October 15, 2009

So lonely...

The song I choose is about suicide. It was played at a friend of mines funeral, David Kastro. It is basically asking how you get so lonely and nobody notices. It talks about if your parents forgot to say they loved you or if your girlfriend broke up with you. It just says some of the reason people commit suicide. I think this is a very serious issue. Take a look at the statistics: in 2006, two hundred and sixty nine people committed suicide in West Virginia alone. 4,189 teens between the age of 15 and 25 committed suicide in the US.

I think that people, especially parents need to look for warning signs in their teenagers and accept that it could happen to them. Also if a teenager or adult is acting unusual don’t be afraid to ask what is wrong. You asking this could make a big difference in their life. If somebody you know has attempted or you think might commit suicide try to get them help. There are many medications and facilities that can help people who feel lost and helpless. There are help lines that can help and let them get out there feelings and just be supportive. Everybody goes through rough times some people just get hit harder and don’t know how to handle it. So what do you think about this issue so you think people could help prevent suicide? :]

Monday, October 12, 2009

im just listening c[=

I have no clue what to write today, but Im listening to music so freedom of expression it is. Do you guys like hip hop? I know I do, and I know the controversy it has caused among people. I know there is some rap music that is pretty nasty but if you don’t like it don’t listen to it. Plain and simple, you’re going to get the same with country talking bout drinking and ridding four wheelers, can you say DUI? It’s just how you look at it. Everybody has different ways to express themselves and we can’t do anything about it. There is no reason to make a big fuss about it just accept it. That is a very good example of why are country is blessed. President Obama’s name has come up in a couple of different rap songs which could never happen in other countries people would go to jail. It's just amazing, are constitution I mean. Do you agree?

Friday, October 2, 2009

You can't be serious..

How much is too much? Does anybody else think the state government is butting in to much? I feel angry right now. I just read an article that just plum ticked me off! A woman was practicing good citizenship by watching three neighbor kids wait for the bus, in the morning at her house for an hour. Can you guess who had something to say about it? Do you think that its right she should be getting in trouble for doing this? All she was doing in my opinion was helping her neighbors. They probably had to work early. What does the state expect them to do stay at home by themselves because their parents want to provide for them? Check out the article and tell me what you think.