Thursday, December 17, 2009


What i like about globaloria is that you can personalize you wiki page which i think gives us a way of expressing are self's. I also like that you can discuss a range of civics issues that aren't just boring stuff. Learning game design i think will be interesting, we have already been working on paper prototyping. So Im just gonna wait and see how everything turns out.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Life after Crittenton...

Since being at Crittenton i have learned alot about myself and what my goals are for the future and how Im going to reach them. My biggest goal after Criitenton is to graduate high school in May, with good act scores. I then want to pursue a degree in counseling. i want to help people just like the person i used to be. I want my daughter to be proud of me. I want to be sucka free aka clean from drugs. The reason i most want an education because in today's world for a good job you have to have an education unless your comfortable saying "fries with that?" for the rest of your life. That all folks any questions ask. Peace & love.