Thursday, December 17, 2009


What i like about globaloria is that you can personalize you wiki page which i think gives us a way of expressing are self's. I also like that you can discuss a range of civics issues that aren't just boring stuff. Learning game design i think will be interesting, we have already been working on paper prototyping. So Im just gonna wait and see how everything turns out.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Life after Crittenton...

Since being at Crittenton i have learned alot about myself and what my goals are for the future and how Im going to reach them. My biggest goal after Criitenton is to graduate high school in May, with good act scores. I then want to pursue a degree in counseling. i want to help people just like the person i used to be. I want my daughter to be proud of me. I want to be sucka free aka clean from drugs. The reason i most want an education because in today's world for a good job you have to have an education unless your comfortable saying "fries with that?" for the rest of your life. That all folks any questions ask. Peace & love.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Productive Citizens...

I think being a productive citizen means that you do things to help your country not do things to make it worse. If you see issues that you think you could help get people motivated about, then do it. You never know how much little things can make a difference. This morning we read an article that was talking about how a ten year old boy refused to say they pledge because it says “liberty and justice for all”. He doesn’t feel its right when who are gay don’t have the right to marry so he expressed his 1st amendment right. It got national attention and im sure made people think about this. It’s just an example of how little things can make a big impact. I think my game will be productive because it will inform people just how hard the decisions the government make are. It will inform them just how important it is to vote on issues, and I hope my game turns into everything I want it to be.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

So lonely...

The song I choose is about suicide. It was played at a friend of mines funeral, David Kastro. It is basically asking how you get so lonely and nobody notices. It talks about if your parents forgot to say they loved you or if your girlfriend broke up with you. It just says some of the reason people commit suicide. I think this is a very serious issue. Take a look at the statistics: in 2006, two hundred and sixty nine people committed suicide in West Virginia alone. 4,189 teens between the age of 15 and 25 committed suicide in the US.

I think that people, especially parents need to look for warning signs in their teenagers and accept that it could happen to them. Also if a teenager or adult is acting unusual don’t be afraid to ask what is wrong. You asking this could make a big difference in their life. If somebody you know has attempted or you think might commit suicide try to get them help. There are many medications and facilities that can help people who feel lost and helpless. There are help lines that can help and let them get out there feelings and just be supportive. Everybody goes through rough times some people just get hit harder and don’t know how to handle it. So what do you think about this issue so you think people could help prevent suicide? :]

Monday, October 12, 2009

im just listening c[=

I have no clue what to write today, but Im listening to music so freedom of expression it is. Do you guys like hip hop? I know I do, and I know the controversy it has caused among people. I know there is some rap music that is pretty nasty but if you don’t like it don’t listen to it. Plain and simple, you’re going to get the same with country talking bout drinking and ridding four wheelers, can you say DUI? It’s just how you look at it. Everybody has different ways to express themselves and we can’t do anything about it. There is no reason to make a big fuss about it just accept it. That is a very good example of why are country is blessed. President Obama’s name has come up in a couple of different rap songs which could never happen in other countries people would go to jail. It's just amazing, are constitution I mean. Do you agree?

Friday, October 2, 2009

You can't be serious..

How much is too much? Does anybody else think the state government is butting in to much? I feel angry right now. I just read an article that just plum ticked me off! A woman was practicing good citizenship by watching three neighbor kids wait for the bus, in the morning at her house for an hour. Can you guess who had something to say about it? Do you think that its right she should be getting in trouble for doing this? All she was doing in my opinion was helping her neighbors. They probably had to work early. What does the state expect them to do stay at home by themselves because their parents want to provide for them? Check out the article and tell me what you think.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Freedom Thinker..

We have been learning that civics is the study of rights and duties of citizenship. Last week I watched a very compelling movie, Freedom Writers, for what seems like the fifth time. This movie was about gang violence and how students can overcome any obstacles they face. The movie had many shootings, and when the right to bear arms came up in a discussion, I started thinking about gun violence, gun control, and the right to bear to arms.

All Americans have to right to bear arms by the Constitution of the United States. So do you think gang members are taking advantage of this right by illegal carrying guns? With rights come great responsibility and the responsibility is yours to take advantage of. In order to legally carry a gun and also, be able to purchase a firearm you have to pass a criminal background check. But it is just as convenient for criminals and gang members who cannot pass a background check to illegally purchase guns on the “streets” or Black Market”. Thousands of innocent people die each year to violence; do you think the citizen’s right to bear arms is more important than their right to live?

I understand why this is such a controversy and can see points on both sides of the argument. As a person who desires to become a responsible citizen, I think that some people who illegally or legally carry guns do it for their own protection and there is no doubt in my mind that it has probably saved their lives on more than one occasion. However as I write this I realize that this is a tough topic to discuss and there is no right or wrong answer. The thing to consider is does the right to bear arms infringe on the rights of others and how does it affect you?